Local time in OH: 12:19:46

Kentucky Cash Pop Hot and Cold Numbers

Discover the hottest and coldest numbers in Kentucky Cash Pop. Hot numbers are those which have been drawn a lot in recent drawings, while cold numbers are the opposite and have been selected rarely of late. Study the number frequencies to help you make predictions for upcoming draws, often known as smartpicks based on the statistics. It might be that you want to use combinations of hot and cold numbers to boost your chances of hitting the winning number.

The data used includes all draws from the past 7 days, with the heat rating of each number calculated using a combination of the draw frequency and draw number, using the equation: Heat Rating = Draw Frequency - Draws Since Last Drawn.

Temperature Ball Number Heat Rating Draw Frequency Last Drawn
Icon Inferno! 2 145 148 #576673
(3 draws ago)
On Fire 5 140 140 #576676
(0 draws ago)
Smokin' 14 132 141 #576667
(9 draws ago)
Hotter 7 131 135 #576672
(4 draws ago)
Hot 13 126 131 #576671
(5 draws ago)
Warm 9 120 140 #576656
(20 draws ago)
Lukewarm 11 118 130 #576664
(12 draws ago)
Room Temp 12 113 137 #576652
(24 draws ago)
Cool 6 111 121 #576666
(10 draws ago)
Cold 10 110 112 #576674
(2 draws ago)
Colder 8 109 139 #576646
(30 draws ago)
Icy 4 105 111 #576670
(6 draws ago)
Mid Winter 3 104 121 #576659
(17 draws ago)
Arctic 1 102 109 #576669
(7 draws ago)
Icon Absolute Zero! 15 88 117 #576647
(29 draws ago)

Wednesday March 26
$484 Million
Cash Lump Sum: $228.1 Million
Draw takes place in:
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