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Cash Pop FAQs

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Virginia FAQ

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1. When do Cash Pop drawings take place?

Cash Pop drawings take place five times a day in Virginia. The draw times are 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 9:00 PM and 11:59 PM.

2. What is the cut-off time for ticket sales?

Ticket sales cut off 15 seconds before a drawing takes place.

3. How do I play Cash Pop?

To play Cash Pop, select your number(s) from 1 to 15 and your wager amount. You can play just one number, or anywhere up to 15. Decide how many drawings to play – 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. One winning number is selected each time, and you win if the number on your ticket matches the one that is drawn. Go to the How to Play page for full details.

4. How much does a ticket cost?

The total ticket cost depends on how many numbers you play, the number of drawings entered, and your wager amount. You can choose to pay $1, $2, $5 or $10 per wager.

5. What were today’s Cash Pop numbers?

You can find out what has happened in today’s drawings as soon as they take place, plus all recent results, by going to the Winning Numbers page.

6. What prizes can I win?

You can win between 5x and 250x your wager amount in Cash Pop. This makes the maximum prize $2,500 for a $10 wager. The prize value you can win is generated at random at the point of purchase and is shown on your ticket.

7. What are the odds of winning?

The odds of winning are 1 in 15 for each number played. To find out the odds of winning each possible payout, go to the Prizes and Odds page.

8. Can I cancel my Cash Pop ticket?

No. Cash Pop tickets cannot be canceled. It is your responsibility to fill out your playslip correctly before you submit it to a retailer for a ticket to be printed.

9. How long do I have to claim prizes?

You have 180 days from the date of the draw to come forward and claim any prizes you win.

10. How do I claim prizes?

You can claim prizes of up to $600 from any Virginia Lottery retailer. For larger amounts, you will need to mail in your winning ticket or take it to a customer service center or prize zone, Go to the Claiming Prizes page to learn more.